Insurer Covid 19 updates

As a valued client of Bridge, we have collated all of the our insurer responses and operational updates for your respective insurance policy below.

Please select the link below that is relevant to your insurance policy. For the purposes of accuracy, in some cases we have linked directly to the respective insurer website.

Please note: If your specific insurer or scheme information is not listed – or has not been updated – below, please CLICK HERE for a general update regarding Covid-19.

Specific scheme & policy information

  • StoneGuard – Due to increased volume of enquiries, some customers are experiencing a delay in receiving their documentation. If you have made a payment, you can be asssured that your documentation is being processed as quickly as possible and will be issued to you shortly. Further information is here. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Specific insurer information

Contact us

Should you require any further information, we continue to encourage clients to contact us via the usual emails and phone numbers where we are available to assist.