A unique service from Bridge to guide you through your claim.
Variety is the spice of life, they say – and that is certainly true for Teresa Ayre, Head of Loss Management here at Bridge Insurance Brokers.
In any given day Teresa can be dealing with claims as varied as floods to alleged assaults, car accidents to construction disputes. And even though they are all very different cases, in the end it always comes down to the details.
Having a claims expert like Teresa is quite unique for an insurance brokers and we like to think the service encapsulates our thorough approach to everything we do. With over 30 years’ experience in the insurance industry, it’s no surprise that clients from all sectors are reassured by Teresa’s presence when going through the claims process.
“I work with almost all the teams here at Bridge,” says Teresa. “Schemes, real estate, corporate, construction: some of our clients have been with the company since it was formed over 50 years ago and they vary hugely. It’s what makes everything so interesting!”

Collaboration is key
When a client contacts Bridge following a major incident, Teresa steps in to help manage their claim successfully.
“It’s a fully collaborative process – the way things are documented and reported can have such a bearing on a claim and having an experienced pair of eyes look over the paperwork before it is presented to insurers is added peace of mind for our clients,” says Teresa.
“Sometimes even the choice of one word over another in the spur of the moment when completing a form can have a huge impact on a claim. My role is to work for our clients on larger or more complex matters – alongside our Account Executive – to provide reassurance for the client after an incident, joining them throughout their claim, providing support to them when and where they need it.
This is the personal touch and the added value that Bridge clients benefit from – that other brokers simply don’t provide.
Experience is everything
“I’ve been a claims manager, a technical claims controller and an insurance manager for both insurers and private companies so I know all the right questions to ask and how to ensure the claims procedure goes smoothly for the client,” says Teresa.
Teresa also provides claims defensibility training courses for clients to help them try to reduce the number of incidents they have and increase the rate of denials insurers are able to maintain on those claims they do have. “We have found clients really appreciate having an explanation as to why it’s important they complete their routine daily paperwork, what protection it can give their company and how their choice of words is important when it comes to defending claims made against them.
“It’s such a diverse role: our clients range from multimillion-pound property organisations to independent barber shops. This is why the personal touch is so important. And why we’re so proud to offer this unique service.”
For more information
If your organisation would benefit from the advice of our specialist people – like Teresa – or you have a claim you would like to discuss, please contact us at:
0161 236 6969
[email protected]
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