Insurer Covid 19 updates – Axa

Axa updates

What cover is provided now that COVID-19 has been declared as a notifiable disease?

Standard AXA wordings would not normally cover losses arising out of Coronavirus but as we have a number of extensions and specialist wordings that offer non-standard cover we can currently only give a definitive response if we know the particular wording involved and the full circumstances of the loss.

Under business interruption cover, if a premises is compromised / infected and needs to be sanitised, would this be considered ‘damage’? And if not, what would this be defined as?

No, it would not be considered damage as an insured peril.

Do your policies generally include or exclude contamination?

AXA policies generally exclude contamination.

Does your typical BI coverage include an extension for notifiable diseases?

A small proportion of our policies include some cover for business interruption due to the presence of Notifiable Diseases at the premises.

Do you specify notifiable diseases? If so does this specify COVID-19 or SARS?

Almost all AXA policies that do include any cover for Notifiable Diseases are limited to specified diseases and do not include COVID-19 or SARS.

Does your typical BI coverage include an extension for denial of access including non-damage, i.e. where access is restricted or prevented, imposed by the Government or a public authority?

Some of AXA’s policies do include limited additional cover for ‘Non-Damage’ denial of access.

Does Non-Damage denial of access include any geographical limit or radius?

Where there is cover for Non-Damage denial of access, the exact cover and geographical radius varies by type of policy and needs to be read in conjunction with the policy document.

Does Non-Damage denial of access contain any (inner) limit of indemnity or indemnity period?

This is dependent on the policy.

Will your Property Owner policies respond to loss of rent if property owners are forced to support with the messaging from the government on ‘rent breaks’?

AXA’s policies will respond based on the policy coverage, terms and condition. If the government seeks to apply rental ‘holidays’ on either a voluntary or compulsory basis we would view this as a matter for resolution between landlords and the Government.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of further assistance.

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